Lyon & Scalf Family Genealogy

Generations Life Timeline
Family Roots
Our European Tapestry
Turning of the Leaf
Photographs & Memories
Obituaries & Cemetery Markers
Family Tree
Family History & News
Connecting The Lines
Family Surnames
Wildwood Flower


"We are the sum total of our ancestors."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson




    It has been a very enlightening and heartwarming experience for me to look into the faded memories of the past and discover the fine souls who preceded us - the foundation of our Lyons - Scalf  family genealogy!   Bringing our ancestors together with our present day family members, we find our family's branches intertwined with the families of so many others.  


     My research provides ancestral information for each family back to the dates shown below ~

  • Lyon(s) - Baron Ingelram De Lions born about 1020  in Foret De Lyons, Normandy, France
  • Scalf - mid-1500s
  • Woods & Glover - mid-1700s
  • Hicks - 1214
  • Frazier - early 1800s
  • Osborn - mid-1600s

     Collecting information from my family members on past and present generations afforded me an opportunity to record our growing family tree. My family history research has been obtained from talking to living relatives and from researching public records, books and other publications between 2005 and 2015.

     It is a pleasure to present in my books titled "Connecting The Lines" and "Our European Tapestry"  a salute to the many extraordinary ancestors who have made our lives possible!




      Enjoy the individual web pages listed on the left side of this screen by clicking on each to view our picture albums, news & more! 




       D E D I C A T I O N


Our extensive Lyons-Scalf family history "Connecting The Lines", our extended Lyons history "Our European Tapestry", this website, online photo albums and our family Facebook page  are all dedicated to my beloved mother, Susie Lyons-Winebarger!


I would like to sincerely thank my relatives who graciously provided invaluable information and pictures so this research and sharing of our family tree could progress!



     circa 1969
Jim Lyons,
Mary Scalf Lyons
& daughter,
Mary Lee Lyons Buckles
Daughters standing
(l to r): 
Ella Lyons Stout,
  Burlen Lyons Morris,
Susie Lyons Winebarger,
Ruby Lyons Carver
 Anna B. Lyons-Sams-Malone


Sherry Winebarger Reeter
Lyons-Scalf Family Historian
No information or pictures from this website
are allowed to be used without permission.

Last updated on 10/8/2023, 2:22:45 PM

Copyright 2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015-2016-2017-2018-2019-2020
Created January 2006
Lyons-Scalf Family Genealogy