Pictures are a wonderful means of rekindling memories of those we love and seeing physical family traits in
those we never met!
If you are a direct line family member and wish to enjoy our family albums,
please e-mail your request to receive the album links.
* Permission for use of all pictures were gained by Sherry
Winebarger-Reeter & sources can be provided upon request.
PLEASE do NOT post onto other websites
or use for any personal gain.
The purpose is to share joyous pictures & videos of
our beloved family.
Our Family Photo Albums Include ~
James Andrew Lyons & Mary Lydia Scalf-Lyons Descendants Family Reunion December 12, 2015
Click to View!
Jim & Mary Scalf-Lyons' Descendants Album
containing over 170 family pictures!
CLICK to View!
Jim & Mary Scalf-Lyons'
Descendants Album #2
Click here!
Extended Family Collection
a slideshow presentation of 109 pictures submitted by the Lyons, Lyon, Scalf, Carr, Woods, Glover,
Salts, etc. branches of our family tree!
CLICK to View!
Scalf-Lyons' Family Album
is a scanned & restored compilation
her cherished 378 pictures.
Lyons-Carver videos
taken at her home with eldest son Bob and daughter-in-law
Brenda by her grandson Robert Carver
Click for Carver Videos
The goal of our website
is to have every family member's picture online. Your pictures stored in a drawer or closet are treasured
memories to others so please
share your old and recent pictures so everyone in the family can enjoy them.
Pictures we need for our
family collection:
Sallie Byers Lyons (third
wife of Bill Lyons)
Willie Lyons (son of Bill
Lyons & 2nd wife Sallie Byers-Lyons)
William Edward
"Ed" Scalf (son of Isaac & Nannie Scalf; brother of Mary Scalf-Lyons)
Click on the
link below to e-mail pictures from your
branch of our family tree and/or request access to our family photo albums:


June 8, 1853 -
February 19, 1908
Special Picture!
My great-grandmother
Nannie Glover Scalf was the mother of my grandmother Mary
Lydia Scalf Lyons!
Great-Grandma Nannie's photograph is
one of the oldest in our family collection.
It was scanned from a tin type taken in the late 1800s.
Tin types, invented in 1856 and used into the 20th century,
were thin sheets of iron covered with a layer of black paint.
birth certificate shows that we were born;
death certificate shows that we died;
show that we lived!